

arc([radius, angle, n_knot_spans, ...])

Creates a 1-D arc as Rational Bezier or NURBS with given radius and angle.


N-D box (hyper rectangle).

circle([radius, n_knot_spans])

Circle (parametric dim = 1) with radius r in the x-y plane around the origin.

cone(outer_radius, height[, inner_radius, ...])

Creates a cone with circular base.


Creates a spline representing the projection of the jacobian determinant

disk(outer_radius[, inner_radius, angle, ...])

Surface spline describing a potentially hollow disk with quadratic degree along curved dimension and linear along thickness.

embedded(spline, new_dimension)

Embeds Spline in given dimension.

extruded(spline[, extrusion_vector])

Extrudes Splines.

from_bounds(parametric_bounds, physical_bounds)

Creates a minimal spline with given parametric bounds, physical bounds.


Create a spline with the provided points as control points.

parametric_view(spline[, axes, conform])

Create parametric view of given spline.


Creates a biquadratic 2-D spline in the shape of a plate with given radius.

pyramid(width, length, height)

Creates a volumetric spline in the shape of a pyramid with linear degree in every direction.

revolved(spline[, axis, center, angle, ...])

Revolve spline around an axis and extend its parametric dimension.

sphere(outer_radius[, inner_radius, angle, ...])

Creates a volumetric spline describing a sphere with radius R.


Create a circle consisting of a single surface patch

torus(torus_radius, section_outer_radius[, ...])

Creates a volumetric NURBS spline describing a torus revolved around the x-axis.



Helper class to build new splines from existing geometries.