Helps helpee to manage data. Some useful data structures.
from itertools import accumulate as _accumulate
from itertools import chain as _chain
from itertools import repeat as _repeat
import numpy as _np
from gustaf.helpers.data import DataHolder as _DataHolder
from gustaf.utils.arr import enforce_len as _enforce_len
from splinepy import splinepy_core as _splinepy_core
from splinepy._base import SplinepyBase as _SplinepyBase
import scipy as _scipy
has_scipy = True
except ImportError:
has_scipy = False
__all__ = [
class PhysicalSpaceArray(_np.ndarray):
"""numpy array object that keeps mirroring inplace changes to the source.
Meant to help control_points.
__slots__ = (
def __array_finalize__(self, obj):
"""Sets default flags for any arrays that maybe generated based on
physical space array. For more information,
see https://numpy.org/doc/stable/user/basics.subclassing.html"""
self._source_ptr = None
self._super_arr = None
# for arrays created based on this subclass
if isinstance(obj, type(self)):
# this is copy. nothing to worry here
if self.base is None:
return None
# first child array
if self.base is obj:
# make sure this is not a recursively born child
# for example, `arr[[1,2]][:,2]`
if obj._source_ptr is not None:
self._super_arr = obj
return None
# multi generation child array
if obj._super_arr is not None and self.base is obj.base:
self._super_arr = obj._super_arr
return None
return None
def _sync_source_ptr(self):
# this is super arr. super arr only has _source_ptr because we should've
# set it manually
if self._source_ptr is not None: # and self._super_arr is None
return None
# this is a sub arr viewing super arr
# this will perform a full sync
if self._super_arr is not None and self._source_ptr is None:
return None
def copy(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""copy creates regular numpy array"""
return _np.array(self, *args, copy=True, **kwargs)
def view(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Set writeable flags to False for the view."""
v = super(self.__class__, self).view(*args, **kwargs)
v.flags.writeable = False
return v
def __iadd__(self, *args, **kwargs):
sr = super(self.__class__, self).__iadd__(*args, **kwargs)
return sr
def __isub__(self, *args, **kwargs):
sr = super(self.__class__, self).__isub__(*args, **kwargs)
return sr
def __imul__(self, *args, **kwargs):
sr = super(self.__class__, self).__imul__(*args, **kwargs)
return sr
def __idiv__(self, *args, **kwargs):
sr = super(self.__class__, self).__idiv__(*args, **kwargs)
return sr
def __itruediv__(self, *args, **kwargs):
sr = super(self.__class__, self).__itruediv__(*args, **kwargs)
return sr
def __imatmul__(self, *args, **kwargs):
sr = super(self.__class__, self).__imatmul__(*args, **kwargs)
return sr
def __ipow__(self, *args, **kwargs):
sr = super(self.__class__, self).__ipow__(*args, **kwargs)
return sr
def __imod__(self, *args, **kwargs):
sr = super(self.__class__, self).__imod__(*args, **kwargs)
return sr
def __ifloordiv__(self, *args, **kwargs):
sr = super(self.__class__, self).__ifloordiv__(*args, **kwargs)
return sr
def __ilshift__(self, *args, **kwargs):
sr = super(self.__class__, self).__ilshift__(*args, **kwargs)
return sr
def __irshift__(self, *args, **kwargs):
sr = super(self.__class__, self).__irshift__(*args, **kwargs)
return sr
def __iand__(self, *args, **kwargs):
sr = super(self.__class__, self).__iand__(*args, **kwargs)
return sr
def __ixor__(self, *args, **kwargs):
sr = super(self.__class__, self).__ixor__(*args, **kwargs)
return sr
def __ior__(self, *args, **kwargs):
sr = super(self.__class__, self).__ior__(*args, **kwargs)
return sr
def __array_wrap__(self, *args, **kwargs):
sr = super(self.__class__, self).__array_wrap__(*args, **kwargs)
return sr
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
# set first. invalid setting will cause error
sr = super(self.__class__, self).__setitem__(key, value)
# for child array, we will just sync and exit.
if self._source_ptr is None:
return sr
# if set item above worked.
# then, mirror / copy rowwise
# if this was called due to inplace operations of subset of entries
# this would be redundant
# here, we will try to parse very simple, yet, quite often used
# indexings
contig = _np.ascontiguousarray # frequently used
if isinstance(key, int) or (
isinstance(key, _np.ndarray) and key.ndim == 0
# single get item is always contiguous
self._source_ptr.set_row(key, self[key])
elif isinstance(key, _np.ndarray) and key.ndim == 1:
if key.dtype.kind.startswith("b"):
key = contig(self.row_indices()[key])
self._source_ptr.sync_rows(contig(key), self)
elif isinstance(key, list):
if isinstance(key[0], bool):
key = contig(self.row_indices()[key])
self._source_ptr.sync_rows(key, self)
# tuple is a bit tricky
elif isinstance(key, tuple) and (
isinstance(key[0], int)
or (isinstance(key[0], _np.ndarray) and key[0].ndim == 0)
self._source_ptr.set_row(key[0], self[key[0]])
elif isinstance(key, tuple) and (
isinstance(key[0], (list, _np.ndarray))
if isinstance(key[0][0], (_np.bool_, bool)):
key = (contig(self.row_indices()[key[0]]),)
self._source_ptr.sync_rows(key[0], self)
elif isinstance(key, slice) or (
isinstance(key, tuple) and isinstance(key[0], slice)
key = key if isinstance(key, slice) else key[0]
start = 0 if key.start is None else key.start
# flip negatives
start = start + len(self) if start < 0 else start
stop = len(self) if key.stop is None else key.stop
# flip negatives
stop = stop + len(self) if stop < 0 else stop
step = 1 if key.step is None else key.step
ids = _np.arange(
start, stop, step, dtype="int32"
) # should be contig
self._source_ptr.sync_rows(ids, self)
elif isinstance(key, type(Ellipsis)) or (
isinstance(key, tuple) and isinstance(key[0], type(Ellipsis))
# even more complex? then
# TODO - just sync if this seems to take too long
ids = _np.unique(self.full_row_indices()[key])
self._source_ptr.sync_rows(contig(ids), self)
return sr
def row_indices(self):
Returns row_indices. Same results as np.arange(len(arr))
if hasattr(self, "_row_indices"):
return self._row_indices
len_, d = self._source_ptr.len(), self._source_ptr.dim()
self._row_indices = _np.arange(len_, dtype="int32")
self._full_row_indices = self._row_indices.repeat(d).reshape(len_, d)
return self._row_indices
def full_row_indices(self):
Returns full_row_indices. Same results as np.indices(arr.shape)[0]
if hasattr(self, "_full_row_indices"):
return self._full_row_indices
len_, d = self._source_ptr.len(), self._source_ptr.dim()
self._row_indices = _np.arange(len_, dtype="int32")
self._full_row_indices = self._row_indices.repeat(d).reshape(len_, d)
return self._full_row_indices
def enforce_contiguous(array, dtype=None, asarray=False):
If input is an instance / subclass of np.ndarray, this will check
if they are configuous. If so, returns same object, else turns makes it
contiguous and returns.
array: array-like
data to be transformed
dtype : type
base data type (default float)
asarray : bool
also transform list or tuple to np.ndarray
contiguous_array: array-like
if isinstance(array, _np.ndarray):
if array.flags["C_CONTIGUOUS"] and (
dtype is None or _np.dtype(dtype) is array.dtype
return array
return _np.ascontiguousarray(array, dtype=dtype)
if asarray and isinstance(array, (list, tuple, _splinepy_core.KnotVector)):
return _np.ascontiguousarray(array, dtype=dtype)
return array
def enforce_contiguous_values(dict_):
Returns a new dict where values are contiguous. If the value is
an array, enforces contiguous elements for one recursive level.
This also removes None values.
dict_: dict
dict_with_contiguous: dict
dict_with_contiguous = {}
for key, value in dict_.items():
# most likely will be asking about np.ndarray
if isinstance(value, _np.ndarray):
contig_value = enforce_contiguous(value)
# or, list. only check if the first element is np.ndarray
elif isinstance(value, list) and isinstance(value[0], _np.ndarray):
contig_value = [enforce_contiguous(v) for v in value]
# abandon Nones
elif value is None:
contig_value = value
# set item
dict_with_contiguous[key] = contig_value
return dict_with_contiguous
def cartesian_product(arrays, reverse=True):
Fast Cartesian product.
Adapted from stackoverflow entry:
Answer from `Paul Panzer`.
In splinepy, we use the ordering, where lowest dimension changes fastest.
Thus, a reverse option.
arrays: tuple or list
tuple or list of array-like
reverse: bool
Default is True. Reverses order of fastest iterating dimension.
If False, highest indexed dimension iterates fastest.
cartesian: (n, len(arrays)) np.ndarray
n_arr = len(arrays)
dtype = _np.result_type(*arrays)
# for reverse, use view of reverse ordered arrays
if reverse:
arrays = arrays[::-1]
shape = *map(len, arrays), n_arr
cartesian = _np.empty(shape, dtype=dtype)
# reverse order the view of output array, so that reverse
# is again in original order, but just reversed fastest iterating dim
_cartesian = cartesian[..., ::-1] if reverse else cartesian
dim_reducing_views = (
_chain((_cartesian,), _repeat(0, n_arr - 1)),
idx = slice(None), *_repeat(None, n_arr - 1)
for i in range(n_arr - 1, 0, -1):
dim_reducing_views[i][..., i] = arrays[i][idx[: n_arr - i]]
dim_reducing_views[i - 1][1:] = dim_reducing_views[i]
_cartesian[..., 0] = arrays[0][idx]
return cartesian.reshape(-1, n_arr)
def make_matrix(values, supports, n_cols, as_array=False):
Create a matrix from values and supports.
Used for basis functions their derivatives and everything mapped.
Uses scipy if available. If `as_array` is true, dense matrix (numpy) is
This matrix can be used for approximations and IGA-applications. With given
queries :math:`\pmb{\xi}`, control points :math:`\mathbf{C}`, associated to
spline :math:`\mathcal{S}`, this function can be used to return matrix
:math:`\mathbf{A}`, such that
.. math::
\mathcal{S}(\pmb{\xi}) = A(\pmb{\xi}) \cdot \mathbf{C}
values : np.ndarray
Values to be inserted into the matrix
supports : np.ndarray
Column values corresponding to the given values
n_cols : int
Number of columns of the matrix (matches n_ctps for basis-functions)
as_array : bool
Return as numpy / dense type
matrix : np.ndarray / scipy.sparse.csr_array
# Return in Matrix shape (scipy if available)
if has_scipy and not as_array:
return _scipy.sparse.csr_array(
shape=(values.shape[0], n_cols),
matrix = _np.zeros((values.shape[0], n_cols))
_np.put_along_axis(matrix, supports, values, axis=1)
return matrix
class SplineDataAdaptor(_SplinepyBase):
Prepares data to be presentable on spline. To support both
scalar-data and vector-data, which are representable with colors and
arrows respectively, this class will prepare data accordingly.
data: any
Any data that you want to plot on to the spline. If this is not a
spline, it requires a `function` that takes this data to create
appropriate values.
locations: 2D array-like
Optional. If specified, used to evaluate data at specific locations.
Applicable for arrow data
function: callable
Optional. A callable used to evaluate values using data at query points.
function(data, queries) -> values
parametric_bounds: 2D array-like
Optional. Parametric bounds of supporting spline. Required for stand-alone
use. Otherwise, set by helping spline. Used to compute query points for
resolution based sampling.
__slots__ = (
def __init__(
self, data, locations=None, function=None, parametric_bounds=None
""" """
from splinepy import Multipatch as _Multipatch
from splinepy import Spline as _Spline
# default
self._user_created = True
self.data = data
self.is_spline = False
self.has_function = False
self.has_locations = False
self.has_evaluate = False
self.arrow_data_only = False
self.parametric_bounds = parametric_bounds
# is spline we know?
if isinstance(data, (_Spline, _Multipatch)):
self.is_spline = True
# data has evaluate?
if hasattr(data, "evaluate"):
self.has_evaluate = callable(data.evaluate)
# has function?
if function is not None:
self.has_function = True
if not callable(function):
raise ValueError("Given function isn't callable")
self.function = function
# locations? - keep this compatible with functions. maybe
# we want to have some state dependent value at certain locations
if locations is not None:
# set what holds true
self.has_locations = True
self.arrow_data_only = True
self.locations = _np.asanyarray(locations)
# if this is not a spline we know, it doesn't have a function,
# it should:
# -> `data.evaluate` is callable, or
# -> len(data) == len(locations)
if not self.is_spline and not self.has_function:
len_matches = False
if hasattr(data, "__len__"):
len_matches = len(locations) == len(data)
if not (self.has_evaluate or len_matches):
raise ValueError(
"Data cannot be represented at specified locations."
"Requires one of the following requirements: "
"1) is a spline derived from splinepy's spline; "
"2) data has `data.evaluate()`; "
"3) length of the data and location should match."
# location is specified, meaning we don't need sample()
return None
# can call sample or has a function?
if not self.has_function and not self.is_spline:
raise ValueError(
"None spline data should at least have an accompanying "
def as_vertex_data(self, resolutions=None, on=None):
resolutions: list or tuple
at: (n, d) array-like
vertex_data: (m, r) array-like
if resolutions is not None and on is not None:
raise ValueError(
"Please only specify either `resolutions` or `on`"
if self.has_locations and (resolutions is not None or on is not None):
raise ValueError(
"Location dependent data can't be evaluated with `resolutions`"
" or `at`."
# if resolutions is specified, this is not a location query
if resolutions is not None:
if self.has_function:
# parametric bounds needs to be set by now.
queries = uniform_query(
_enforce_len(resolutions, len(self.parametric_bounds[0])),
# pass to evaluate.
return self.function(
elif self.is_spline and self.data.para_dim > 2:
# TODO: replace this with generalized query helpers.
return self.data.extract.faces(
resolutions, watertight=False
return self.data.sample(resolutions)
# runtime location query
if on is not None:
if self.has_function:
return self.function(self.data, on=on)
elif self.has_evaluate:
return self.data.evaluate(on)
raise ValueError(
"Given data can't support data extraction on specified "
f"locations ({on})."
# location specified - either evaluate function at the
if self.has_locations:
if self.has_function:
# function may want locations
return self.function(self.data, self.locations)
except TypeError: # maybe too many args
return self.function(self.data)
elif self.has_evaluate:
return self.data.evaluate(self.locations)
return self.data
# should be returned by now
raise RuntimeError("Something went wrong while preparing spline data.")
class SplineData(_DataHolder):
Data manager for splines.
__slots__ = ()
def __init__(self, helpee):
""" """
if "Spline" not in str(type(helpee).__mro__):
raise AttributeError("Helpee is not a Spline")
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
Selectively accept spline data.
key: str
value: object
if isinstance(value, SplineDataAdaptor):
self._saved[key] = value
adapted = SplineDataAdaptor(value) # will test usability
adapted._user_created = False # mark for __getitem__
self._saved[key] = adapted
# set parametric_bounds
self._saved[key].parametric_bounds = self._helpee.parametric_bounds
def __getitem__(self, key):
Returns value from __setitem__
key: str
value: object
saved = super().__getitem__(key)
if saved._user_created:
return saved
return saved.data
def as_scalar(self, key, resolutions, default=None):
Return scalar value at given resolutions
key: str
resolutions: list or tuple
default: object
Default is None and will return is key doesn't exist
value: np.ndarray
if key not in self._saved:
return default
saved = super().__getitem__(key)
# will raise
return saved.as_vertex_data(resolutions=resolutions)
def as_arrow(self, key, resolutions=None, on=None, default=None):
Returns as-arrow-representable data on certain places, with given
resolution, or on predefined places.
key: str
resolutions: list or tuple
on: array-like
if key not in self._saved:
return default
saved = super().__getitem__(key)
# will raise
return saved.as_vertex_data(resolutions=resolutions, on=on)
class MultipatchData(SplineData):
Data manager for multipatch
__slots__ = ()
def __init__(self, helpee):
Strictly, we don't need to inherit from SplineData and only implement
interfaces, since _saved equivalent is managed in multipatch.
However, it's an index based holder and we want to support the same
Here, we will use _saved as key_to_id lookup
if "Multipatch" not in str(type(helpee).__mro__):
raise AttributeError("Helpee is not a multipatch")
_DataHolder.__init__(self, helpee)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
key: str
value: object
if isinstance(value, SplineDataAdaptor):
self._saved[key] = value
# set parametric_bounds of the first patch
value.parametric_bounds = self._helpee.patches[0].parametric_bounds
elif "PyMultipatch" in str(type(value).__mro__):
# get id of this field that's about to be added
self._saved[key] = len(self._helpee.fields)
# add fields expects list of list
# TODO @jzwar add type check to except both?
self._helpee.add_fields([value.patches], value.dim)
elif isinstance(value, int):
# also accept integers as a reference to the field
self._saved[key] = value
raise TypeError(
"MultipatchData supports SplineDataAdapter or Multipatch."
f"given type: {type(value)}"
def __getitem__(self, key):
Returns value from __setitem__
key: str
value: object
# integer input refers to saved field's number
if isinstance(key, int):
return self._helpee.fields[key]
elif isinstance(key, str):
saved = _DataHolder.__getitem__(self, key) # will raise KeyError
if isinstance(saved, int):
return self._helpee.fields[saved]
elif isinstance(saved, SplineDataAdaptor):
return saved
raise RuntimeError(
"Invalid saved data / key type. Please help us by writing an "
"issue at github.com/tataratat/splinepy. Thank you!"
def as_scalar(self, key, resolutions, default=None):
Return scalar value at given resolutions
key: str
resolutions: list or tuple
default: object
Default is None and will return is key doesn't exist
value: np.ndarray
if key not in self._saved:
return default
saved = self.__getitem__(key)
if isinstance(saved, SplineDataAdaptor):
# explicitly checks that saved IS data adaptor
# or will create one on the fly
saved = SplineDataAdaptor(saved)
return saved.as_vertex_data(resolutions=resolutions)
def as_arrow(self, key, resolutions=None, on=None, default=None):
Returns as-arrow-representable data on certain places, with given
resolution, or on predefined places.
key: str
resolutions: list or tuple
on: array-like
if key not in self._saved:
return default
saved = self.__getitem__(key)
if isinstance(saved, SplineDataAdaptor):
# explicitly checks that saved IS data adaptor
# or will create one on the fly
saved = SplineDataAdaptor(saved)
return saved.as_vertex_data(resolutions=resolutions, on=on)